One of the challenges of struggling with anxiety, stress, and overwhelm is that our pain creates limiting beliefs – beliefs that were created during times of stress and which we continue to accept as true.
Things like “I am not good enough.”
That statement robs us of mental strength, increases feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, and sabotages our success.
And yet, that statement is also TRUE 😊
God did not make us to be “good enough.” When He looked at His creation, He said, “It is very good.”
As Lysa Terkeurst pointed out in a recent email:
God made us to be people who learn and explore and create and give and delight and love. He made us full of potential and purpose. He tucked His full wonder inside us so we could help others find our God to be wonderful.
He made us to reach out, not pull back.
He made us believe the best before assuming the worst.
He made us freely give grace, realizing we so desperately need it ourselves.
He made us add goodness to the world, see the beauty, and rest in the assurance of His lavish love for us.
God said that you are “VERY GOOD.”
Never ever, not for one second, did God look at us and say, “My goal is for this one to be simply good enough”. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Take Time to be Alone with God
Take a moment and think about that! See it as a special invitation from the Lord to get alone with Him. Dream with Him. Be loved by Him. Draw near to Him. Be held by Him. Like James 4:8a says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (ESV).
Whatever is making you feel “not good enough” today, whether it’s because of a recent rejection or something else, read these words:
With Jesus, we’re forever safe.
Forever accepted.
Forever held.
Completely loved and always invited in.
Life with Jesus is a great love story. He isn’t a magic genie we occasionally run to for a little dose of divine help. He is the One who stills us, quiets us, wipes away our exhaustion, and whispers:
You were made to BE with Jesus and be covered with His grace.
“Your soul was made simply to be with Me. And the more you are with Me, the more you will stop fearing what the world might take from you. With Me, you are free to be you. The real you. The you whose core is in alignment with My Truth. The you who doesn’t fear imperfections or rejections because grace has covered those in the loveliest of ways.”
Receive these words, friend.
Believe them with all your heart.
Indeed, you are so very loved.
Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your love. A love that always welcomes. A love that doesn’t reject or neglect. I am choosing today to rest and delight in the truth of Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.